The Warren Report, or Hugo Report, is an in-game encyclopedia feature in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber. They are named after Warren Omon, the Astromancer, and Hugo Miller, the tactician.
- All the cutscenes shown so far in the game. Occasionally, bonus scenes can be found here.
- in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, it is called "Tidings".
- Profile pages and biographies for all the characters encountered so far. Ogre Battle 64 displays characters in a giant diagram showing everyone's relationships and factions.
Miscellaneous/Talk Topics[]
- News, rumors, and history items in the game world. Reading these can sometimes open up sidequests.
Play Guide/Hints[]
- Gameplay tips.
World Tarot*[]
- A timeline and flowchart of all the routes traversed in the game. Once the game has been completed, the WORLD System opens up, allowing the player to revisit previous points in the story and explore new paths.
- Similar to trophies or achievements. A list of accomplishments the player has made.
- Music playback. Songs are added as they're unlocked.
*Only in the PSP version of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together