Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Tanmas Hill

Tynemouth Hill map A

"White limestone formations jut like teeth from the top of this gentle, grassy hill."
— Description
TynemouthHill 2

Tynemouth Hill map B

Tynemouth Hill, is a location in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

The gentle grassland nestled near the Walister base of Almorica is the setting for several encounters over the game, perhaps most notably, the first confrontation with Vyce in the Chaotic Route.


Chapter 1[]

Tynemouth Hill map A
Leader Uram PSP portrait Orba Brondel
Class Wizard
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Catiua Pavel
Vyce Bozeck
Canopus Wolph
Requirements None
Notes Canopus will be recruited, provided he survives the battle.
Version All

Chapter 2: Lawful[]

Tynemouth Hill map A
Leader Wynoa Canaletto
Class Archer
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Catiua Pavel
Requirements None
Version SNES/PSX
Tynemouth Hill map B
Leader Nadia PSP portrait Wynoa Canaletto
Gatialo PSP portrait Dukas Windelband Gatialo
Class Cleric, Terror Knight
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Catiua Pavel
Requirements None
Notes Gatialo will escape after several turns.
If Wynoa is killed before Gatialo leaves, he will become the new leader.
Version PSP

Chapter 2: Chaotic[]

Tynemouth Hill map A
Leader LuCT PSP Evil Vyce Portrait Vyce Bozeck
Class Ninja (SNES/PSX), Assassin (PSP)
Faction WR crest Walister Resistance
Guests Catiua Pavel
Arycelle Dania
Requirements None
Version All

Chapter 3: Lawful[]

Tynemouth Hill map A
Leader LuCT PSP Ganpp Portrait Ganpp Vochstein
Class Beast Tamer
Faction HH crest Headhunters
Requirements None
Notes Killing any beast will either buff Ganpp or debuff the player's forces
Version All

Chapter 3: Neutral[]

Tynemouth Hill map B
Leader LuCT PSP Ganpp Portrait Ganpp Vochstein
Class Beast Tamer
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Notes Killing any beast will either buff Ganpp or debuff the player's forces
Version All


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Tanmas Hill
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Tynemouth Hill