Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Rime City3

Rhime map A

Rime City2

Rhime map B


Rhime map C

Rime City4

Delakroa Common

Torikoria Way

Torakoria Way

"This ancient city, site of the first battle between Galgastani and Walister, has stood for centuries."
— Description

The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime, usually shortened to Rhime, is a location is Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. It's not clear whether the historic city was originally part of the Kingdom of Phidoch or Almorica, but it eventually came under control of the Kingdom of Galgastan.


Rhime was thrust into the conflict for the isles when it was invaded by the Dark Knights Loslorien. At the time, it was thought the Bakram had begun their westward expansion, but it was later revealed to be an isolated act perpetrated by the Dark Knights Martym and Barbas. Nevertheless, the attack caused many deaths, including the parents of Klaire Halmorah, the Xenobian Knight Gildas W. Byrne (Neutral Route), and the capture of Lanselot Hamilton.


Rhime is the setting for Episode 3 of CODA, titled 'A True Knight'. It explores a scenario whereby Denam comes to the aide of Lanselot Hamilton during the invasion, preventing his capture and torture.


Chapter 1[]

Rhime map C
Leader Bolis PSP portrait Bolis
Class Knight
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Catiua Pavel
Vyce Bozeck
Leonar Reci Rimon
Cistina Phoraena
Requirements None
Notes If the dialogue option to save Cistina is chosen, then her death will result in game over.
Cistina must be kept alive to be recruited later.
Version All

Chapter 2: Lawful[]

Rhime map A
Leader LuCT PSP Hero Vyce Portrait Vyce Bozeck
Class Knight (SNES/PSX) Ranger (PSP)
Faction NWA crest New Walister Alliance
Guests Catiua Pavel
Requirements None
Notes If Arycelle is killed, she cannot be recruited later.
Version All

Chapter 2: Chaotic[]

Rhime map B
Leader Xapan PSP portrait Xapan Illudas
Class Berserker
Faction HH crest Headhunters
Guests Catiua Pavel
Requirements None
Version All

Chapter 3: Lawful[]

Delakroa Common
Leader LuCT PSP Ozma Portrait Ozma Moh Glacius
Class Knight Commander
Faction Lodis crest Dark Knights Loslorien
Guests Hobyrim V. Rahms
Requirements None
Notes Hobyrim must be kept alive to recruit both him (now), and Ozma (at a later time).
Version All

Chapter 3: Chaotic[]

Delakroa Common
Leader Marino PSP portrait Hiram
Class Terror Knight
Faction BVK crest Bakram-Valerian Kingdom
Requirements None
Version All

Chapter 3: Neutral[]

Delakroa Common
Leader None
Faction BVK crest Bakram-Valerian Kingdom
Requirements None
Version All

CODA: Episode 3[]

Delakroa Common
Leader Martym PSP portrait Martym Noumous
Class Knight Commander
Faction Lodis crest Dark Knights Loslorien
Requirements See CODA
Version PSP
Torakoria Way
Leader Barbas PSP portrait Barbas Dahd Geuse
Class Knight Commander
Faction Lodis crest Dark Knights Loslorien
Guests Lanselot Hamilton
Requirements See CODA
Notes Game over if Lanselot dies.
Version PSP


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Rime City
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime