Ogre Battle Saga Wiki

The Palatinean Army is responsible for the defense of the Kingdom of Palatinus, and also acts as the police force for the kingdom's domains. It is the primary opposition to the Palatinean Revolutionary Army inOgre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

The army is divided in the Central, Eastern, Western, and Southern divisions. Each division is led by a general who, following King Procus' declaration of martial law during the invasion by the Holy Lodissian Empire, is also the governer of his respective region. While each division its an autonomous military force, they are all answerable to the king.

Central Division

Members: Procus Dulmare, Amrius Dulmare, Eurynome Rhade, Jeal Veritte, Vapula Simberg, Amazeroth Ludon, Numitol SilvisUjeanne, Ruolanair, Vesalus

Former Members: Ankiseth Gallant, Asnabel Birall, Hugo Miller, Liedel Klein

Eastern Division

Members: Kerikov Barthes, Fourierre

Former Members: Odiron Balum, Europea Rheda

Western Division

The Western Division is responsible for safeguarding the region of Wentinus. The headquarters of the division are at Castle Talpea in the far north of the Western Region. In addition to their military responsibilities, the Western Division also maintains order among the Bolmoccan laborers who work in the mines of the former lands of Nildahme. Following the conquest of Alba by the Palatinean Revolutionary Army, Prince Yumil was appointed as General of the Western Division. Yumil's lieutenant was Ankiseth Gallant, the bodyguard and tutor of the young prince, and also father of Yumil's childhood friend Magnus. The Central Division knight Eurynome Rhade offered the services of Bolmoccan soldiers sent by the Holy Lodissian Empire, but Ankiseth refused to use the Nildahmese troops to reinforce his army.

Under Sir Ankiseth's command, the Western Division forces met the Blue Knights at Soathon, but were forced to withdraw. Following a series of battles, Prince Yumil decided to offer a peace accord with the Revolutionary Army to cease hostilities in the Western Region. The leaders of the Revolution, however, refused to accept anything less than the unconditional surrender of the Western Division and the cession of Wentinus to the Revolutionary Army.

Following the battle of Wentinus and Yumil's kidnapping at the hands of Baldwin Glendale, the Revolutionary Army takes control of the Western Region. Frederick Raskin, however, expects Lodis will invade Wentinus to drive out the rebels, and thus decides to withdraw the revolutionary troops to Mount Ithaca. At this time the Western Division is largely dissolved as an army, and many of its former troops defect to join the Revolutionary Army.

Members: Yumil Dulmare, Tuzt

Former Members: Ankiseth Gallant

Southern Division

The Southern Division defends the lands of Alba and is headquarterd at Akka Castle. The General of the Southern Division is Godeslas Branic, a low-ranking noble of Latium. Godeslas is a man of little ambition and ability who gained his position through his connections.

The Southern Division was the first force to oppose the Revolutionary Army, but was unsuccessful in suppressing the rebellion. Many member of the Southern Division deserted the army to join the revolution, allowing the rebels to liberate much of the Southern Region with relative ease. Hoping to rectify the situation and put an end to the revolution, Godeslas sent Magnus Gallant, the young and talented captain of the Blue Knights, to capter the rebel leader Frederick Raskin. Magnus succeeded, but instead of following the general's order to execute Frederick, he decided to free him and joined the Revolutionary Army himself.

Following the loss of Gunther Piedmont to the rebels, Godeslas was approached by the Lodissian knight Baldwin Glendale. Baldwin offered Godeslas the fruit of the netherworld, allowing the general to summon demons to combat the Revolutionary Army. Godeslas accepted the offer, but his force of netherworlders was routed by the Blue Knights at Dardunnelles.

The Revolutionary Army advanced on Akka Castle, where Godeslas confronted his former subordinate Magnus. Despite the general's newfound powers gained from the fruit of the netherworld, Godeslas was slain and Alba liberated by the revolution. Following this battle, the Southern Division ceased to exist as a organized force.

Members: Godeslas Branic, Ariosh, Makisi

Former Members: Magnus GallantDiomedes Rangue , Leia Silvis, Hugo Miller.
