Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Mreuva Phoraena
Sprite(s) Moruba's sprite in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling TogetherMoruba's sprite in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Mreuva PSP portrait Mreuva PSP sprite
Gender Male
Age 58
Birthplace Heim
Race Human
Nationality Bakram
Faction(s) OoP crest Order of Philaha
WR crest Walister Resistance
Alignment Lawful Lawful
Element Water Water

Mreuva Phoraena, also known as Archiereus Mreuva, is a non-playable character Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. He is a former Archiereus (a high-ranking priest) in the Order of Philaha, and father to Cerya, Sherri, Cistina, and Olivya.

He is sought out as an ally by Denam on the advice of his father, Prancet. The two families were once close, before circumstances drove Prancet to leave Heim.

He also plays a pivotal role in the Apocrypha sidequest.

Warren Report[]

Archiereus Mreuva

Mreuva Phoraena. Age 58.

A Bakram from Heim who was once Archiereus of the Order of Philaha in the Kingdom of Valeria. He left Heim after being ousted by Exarch Brantyn. He continued to travel the lands spreading the word of Philaha, but suffered a crisis of faith after the death of his wife, and went off alone.

He joined the Resistance after Denam convinced him to help end the war.


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Moruba Foriner
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Mreuva Phoraena