Mental Gauge is a gameplay mechanic introduced in Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis.
This mechanic related to a character's morale and directly infuences whether or not it performs well in battle (ex: criticals, evasion, counterattacks, recruitment, etc.)
To see it, go to the character's status screen in-battle and press the SELECT button to see the individual data, then check the rainbow-colored bar beneath the character's sprite. It will always be set at 0 out of battle since morale/fear effects do not apply there, but in battle it can fluctuate from -2 to +2.
Negative values indicate fear and underperformance, while the opposite indicates courage and better performance in combat overall.
Some classes and emblems have effects over the Mental Gauge of allies, enemies and the character itself.
Emblem Effects[]
See also Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis/Emblems.
- Charisma: +1 Mental Gauge to allies within three panels.
- The Cycle of Life: +1 Mental Gauge to ally undead within three panels.
- Blood Reign: -1 Mental Gauge to non-undead enemies within three panels.
- Exorcist: -1 Mental Gauge to enemy undead within three panels.
- Relix's Emblem: Permanent +2 Mental Gauge to a male character.
- Ripple's Emblem: Permanent +2 Mental Gauge to a female character.
- Grozz Nuy's Emblem: Permanent +2 Mental Gauge to a male character.
Class Effects[]
These classes have a passive effect on Mental Gauges.
- Beast Tamer: +1 Mental Gauge to beast allies within three panels.
- Dragon Tamer: +1 Mental Gauge to dragon allies within three panels.
- Valkyrie: +1 Mental Gauge to male allies within three panels.
- Mushus: +1 Mental Gauge to allies within three panels.
- Vrtra: -1 Mental Gauge to enemies within three panels.
- Ogre: -1 Mental Gauge to enemies within three panels.
Item Effects[]
See also Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis/Weapons and Snapdragon.
The only item capable of affecting Mental Gauges in the game is the Snapdragon, which has a passive effect depending on the class of the character sacrificed to make it. These are:
- Angel Knight: +1 Mental Gauge to allies within three panels.
- Beast Tamer: +1 Mental Gauge to beast allies within three panels.
- Dragon Tamer: +1 Mental Gauge to dragon allies within three panels.
- Knight: Mental Gauge of allies within three panels can't go lower than 0.
- Lich: +1 Mental Gauge to undead allies within three panels.
- Valkyrie: +1 Mental Gauge to male allies within three panels.