Ogre Battle Saga Wiki

The Light Priest (ライトプリースト), is a secret playable class in Legend of Ogre Battle Gaiden: Prince of Zenobia. Gameplay-wise, the Light Priest similar to the Monk class, except that it can be promoted to a Holy.


There are only two methods to obtain a Light Priest:

  • After winning a multiplayer battle, one can be randomly awarded to the player's army.
  • If the system clock of the Neo Geo Pocket Color is set to the 25th of December, and player Reputation is 80 or higher, a Light Priest can be recruited by visiting the northern temple at Chagall Swamps during (in-game) daytime. This can be done in normal play or Free Battle, but only after the game has been completed,


Light Priest Shieldicon Resistances
Requirements - Physical 28
Size Small Fire 27
Leader Yes Cold 25
Recruit Cleric, Fairy, Angel Lightning 27
Movement Type Plains Black 40
Deployment Cost 170 White 70
Upokay Statistic Increases Per Level
Hit Points Strength Agility Intelligence
4-6 1-3 2-4 4-6
Swordicon Attacks
Row Description # of Attacks Name Element
Front Dispells one row of undead enemies 2 Banish Plus Holy
Back Heals all ally units. 2 Healing Plus Holy