Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
"Before the time of Dorgalua, this town in the Almorica marches was the center of a cult worshipping the Sea God Vasque."
— Description

Krysaro, is a location in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. The southern town briefly features early in the game, particularly in the recruitment of Donnalto (or Felicia) and Folcurt. Much later, it's also the location for recruiting Ozma and learning the history of Hobyrim.


Chapter 1[]

Leader Muntzer PSP portrait Moldova Obdilord
Class Witch (SNES/PSX) Necromancer (PSP)
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Donnalto Presance
Catiua Pavel
Vyce Bozeck
Requirements None
Notes If Donnalto survives the battle, he will be recruited. If he is killed, Felicia Malxion is recruited instead.
Version All

Chapter 2: Chaotic[]

Leader Vermado PSP portrait Farrel
Class Knight
Faction WR crest Walister Resistance
Guests Catiua Pavel
Requirements None
Version All

Chapter 4: Lawful[]

Leader Volaq PSP portrait Volaq Windsalf
LuCT PSP Ozma Portrait Ozma Moh Glacius
Class Knight Commander
Faction Dark Knights Loslorien
Requirements See Ozma Moh Glacius/Recruitment
Notes For recruiting Ozma, deploy Hobyrim, admit his identity when questioned, and reduce Ozma's HP to 10% or lower.
Version PSP


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Krizar City
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Krysaro