Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Hagia Banhamuba
"An ancient temple built to worship Ishtar, Goddess of Light and War."
— Description

Hagia Banhamuba, is a location in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. It is described as an ancient shrine that predates even the Temple to Philaha in Heim, center of the Order of Philaha.

The Archiereus Mreuva Phoraena once studied at the sacred site in his youth. He would return there many years later in an attempt to rekindle his faith, after being ousted from the Order in a power struggle, and suffering the death of his wife. His own daughter Sherri, now a Brantyn loyal, attempted to abduct him to gain his knowledge of the Apocrypha magic, but was thwarted by Denam's intervention.


Chapter 3 Neutral[]

Hagia Banhamuba
Leader None
Faction Unknown
Requirements None
Version SNES/PSX
Hagia Banhamuba
Leader LuCT PSP Cressida Portrait Cressida Obdilord
Class Necromancer
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Version PSP

Chapter 4[]

Hagia Banhamuba
Leader Sherri PSP portrait Sherri Phoraena
Class Necromancer
Faction BVK crest Bakram-Valerian Kingdom
Requirements None
Notes Reduce Sherri to 10% HP without killing her to be able to recruit her later.
Version All


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Banhamuba
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Hagia Banhamuba