Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Artwork of an Earth Dragon from Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP).

The Dragons are an ancient race of winged reptilian beasts native to Xytegenia, Galicia, and Valeria. They are notable for the elemental blasts that they breathe from their massive jaws. Despite their monstrous appearance, dragons are intelligent creatures, and some can even speak in the human tongue.

Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis[]

Air Thunder Dragon
Fire Red Dragon
Water Blue Dragon
Earth Earth Dragon
Divine Mushu
Dark Vrtra
Physical Naga

Dark Dragon Zombie

Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen[]

Physical Dragon

Lawful Water Silver DragonGold DragonPlatinum Dragon
Neutral Fire Red DragonSalamanderFire Breath
Chaotic Dark Black DragonTiamatZombie Dragon

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber[]

Physical Young Dragon

Air Thunder DragonQuetzalcoatl
Fire Red DragonFlarebrass
Earth Earth DragonAhzi Dahaka
Water Blue DragonHydra
Divine Platinum DragonBahamut
Dark Black DragonTiamat

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together[]

PSX Version[]

Air Thunder Dragon
Fire Red Dragon
Water Blue Dragon
Earth Earth Dragon
Divine White Dragon
Divine Holy Dragon
Dark Black Dragon
Dark Tiamat
Physical Hydra

PSP Version[]

Air Cloud Dragon
Earth Earth Dragon
Lightning Thunder Dragon
Water Flood Dragon
Fire Flame Dragon
Ice Frost Dragon
Divine Arc Dragon
Dark Dark Dragon
Physical Hydra

Note: The following classes of dragon cannot be recruited.

Divine Crystal Dragon
Dark Onyx Dragon
Physical Scylla
