Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
"He fought the dragon for seven days and seven nights."
— An account of Fogel versus the Divine Dragon of Shiguld

The Dragon is a class in Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. The regular dragon is still a fearsome beast, despite not being specialized as is the case with its elemental brothers.


Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen[]

The Dragon's sprite in Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen

The Dragon is covered in hard green scales, with a yellow underbelly. It is the base class for all other dragons and has modest stat growths to begin with but is sturdy as a front row defender until you can promote it. Depending on the alignment of the Dragon when it reaches Level 7, it can be promoted into a Black Dragon with an Alignment of 0-35, a Red Dragon with an Alignment of 35-65, or a Silver Dragon with an Alignment of 65+.


Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen[]

Blackdragonicon Dragon Shieldicon Resistances
Requirements Base Unit Physical 52
Size Large Fire 50
Leader No Cold 46
Recruit No Lightning 47
Movement Type Plains Black 44
Deployment Cost 750 Goth + (100 x level) White 44
Upokay Statistic Increases Per Level
Hit Points Strength Agility Intelligence
8-12 4-6 1-3 1-3
Swordicon Attacks
Row Description # of Attacks PSX Name SNES Name Element
Front Takes a bite out of the enemy 2 Bite Bite Physical
Back Expels a flame blast from its mouth at the enemy 2 Fire Breath Fire Physical