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Draconic Magic, also known as Dragon Magic, is a specialized school of magic in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. It can only be used by advanced spellcaster classes like the Warlock and some special classes.

These spells can only be acquired inside the Palace of the Dead, the Floating Ruins (San Bronsa Ruins) or as drops from the Twelve Heavenly Generals. In the SNES/PS version, these could only be obtained in battles inside Hell's Gate.

Spell List[]

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (SNES/PS)[]

Dragon Magic consist of powerful damaging elemental spells, spells to revive and reincarnate allies, and one spell to permanently sacrifice the caster to create an equippable sword as powerful as them. With the exception of the latter, which can be used by a surprising amount of classes, all other Dragon spells can only be used by the Warlock and Princess.

Dragon Magic
Name MP Cost Location Effect Class Usage
Wipe Out 80 MP Hell's Gate F2 - Rescue Radlum
Hell's Gate - Random drop
Attacks all enemies with fire, burning the ground beneath them Warlock, Princess
Asteroid 80 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop A huge asteroid crushes all enemies, lowering their attack power Warlock, Princess
Mute 80 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Freezes the moisture in the air around all enemies, damaging and stunning them Warlock, Princess
Tempest 80 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Swirling bolts strike all enemies, worsening the weather Warlock, Princess
Dominion 70 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Stops the target's WT, preventing them from acting or moving Warlock, Princess
Entify 70 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Brings an ally back to life by sacrificing the caster's life Warlock, Princess
Retissue 70 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Turns undead allies into human soldiers or amazons. Their alignment may change Warlock, Princess
Snapshot 0 MP Hell's Gate - Random drop Turns caster into a sword, whose power reflects the caster's power (stats). This permanently kills the caster and makes it impossible to revive them. Special characters cannot use this spell Ninja, Wizard, Dragoon, Swordmaster, Warlock, Exorcist, Cleric, Witch, Priest, Valkyrie, Siren, Dragon Tamer, Angel Knight, Lich, Ghost

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)[]

Draconic Magic consist of supportive spells and one 'Indirect' damaging spell per element, including the undead-banishing Starfall. Most of these spells cannot be obtained until CODA. Additionally, Draconic Magic now has an additional cost of Wyrm Gems per casting, which can be bought in general shops.

The only classes capable of using Draconic Magic (innately or by skill transfer) are the Warlock, Lich, Divine Knight, Lord, Princess, Astromancer, Shaman and Wicce. All spells can be accesed by the Warlock, Lord and Astromancer classes, while the Divine Knight and Wicce get very limited access.

Draconic Magic
Name MP/Sundry Cost Range Area RT Delay Arcana Location Effect Class Usage
Tempest Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Tempete Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Air damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Air Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Tempest II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Tempete II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F12) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F8) - Dropped by Heavenly General Rakshas
Deals powerful Air damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Air Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Gaia Strike Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Distorsion Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Earth damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Earth Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Gaia Strike II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Distorsion II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F15) - Dropped by a Titan
Phorampa Wildwood (Heart of the Wildwoods) - Dropped by Heavenly General Maitreya
Deals powerful Earth damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Earth Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Vortex Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Ouragan Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Lightning damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Lightning Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Vortex II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Ouragan II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins, Central Garden) - Dropped by a Titan
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F4) - Dropped by Heavenly General Vayu
Phorampa Wildwood (Wonder at the Gods Above) - Dropped by Heavenly General Indra
Deals powerful Lightning damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Lightning Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Deluge Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Inondation Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Water damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Water Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Deluge II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Inondation II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F15) - Dropped by a Lv. 40+ Eternal Vision
Pirate's Graveyard (Memory of Turquoise) - Dropped by Heavenly General Enja
Palace of the Dead F96 - Dropped by Heavenly General Ijana
Deals powerful Water damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Water Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Annihilation Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Fournaise Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Fire damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Fire Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Annihilation II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Fournaise II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins, Central Garden) - Dropped by a Phoenix
Palace of the Dead F77 - Dropped by Heavenly General Ahurama
Deals powerful Fire damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Fire Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Iceover Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Glaciation Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Ice damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Ice Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Iceover II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Glaciation II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F15) - Dropped by a Lv. +40 Eternal Vision
Palace of the Dead F86 - Dropped by Heavenly General Vija
Palace of the Dead F93 - Dropped by Heavenly General Chandra
Deals powerful Ice damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Ice Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Starfall Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Stellaire Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Divine damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Light Averse'. Can exorcise stilled undead units Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Divine Knight (Lv.24), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Starfall II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Stellaire II San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F7) - Dropped by a Lv. +34 Crystal Dragon
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F13) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F14) - Dropped by Heavenly General Saranga
Deals powerful Divine damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Light Averse'. Can exorcise stilled undead units Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Divine Knight (Lv.44), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Diablo's Spite Wyrm Gem x3, 80 MP 5 2 +26 Grimoire Supplices Palace of the Dead (CODA 1, Port Omish) - Buy at the shop for 2700 Goth Deals heavy Dark damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Dark Averse' Warlock (Lv.25), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Princess (Lv.27), Astromancer (Lv.23), Shaman (Lv.24)
Diablo's Spite II Wyrm Gem x5, 140 MP 6 3 +38 Grimoire Supplices II Palace of the Dead F100 - Dropped by a summoned Wraith
Palace of the Dead F89 - Dropped by Heavenly General Asurama
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins, Central Garden) - Dropped by Heavenly General Aditi
Deals powerful Dark damage to multiple targets. May also inflict 'Dark Averse' Warlock (Lv.45), Lich (Lv.40), Lord (Lv.42), Princess (Lv.48), Astromancer (Lv.43), Shaman (Lv.44)
Detect Wyrm Gem x2, 20MP 6 3 +14 Grimoire Decelement San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F7) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision Reveals traps laid in an area Warlock (Lv.17), Lord (Lv.18), Astromancer (Lv.16)
Springboard Wyrm Gem x2, 50 MP 4 1 +20 Grimoire Grandsaut Palace of the Dead F40 and F50 - Dropped by a Wraith
Palace of the Dead F48 - Dropped by a Ghost Enchantress
Moves a single target to an adjacent tile ignoring elevation differences Warlock (Lv.20), Lich (Lv.17), Lord (Lv.19), Astromancer (Lv.18), Wicce (Lv.19)
Teleport Wyrm Gem x3, 85 MP 4 1 +27 Grimoire Transfert San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F5) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision Moves an ally target to any tile within their move distance. Cannot land on tiles with other units or treasure/cards Warlock (Lv.30), Lich (Lv.26), Lord (Lv.28), Astromancer (Lv.27), Wicce (Lv.28)
Gift of Restoration Wyrm Gem x2, 20 MP 4 1 +14 Grimoire Vivification Palace of the Dead F32 - Dropped by a Wraith
Palace of the Dead F33 - Dropped by a Ghost Warlock
Palace of the Dead F37 and F44 - Dropped by a Lamia Witch
Grants 'Healcraft' to a single target Warlock (Lv.16), Divine Knight (Lv.15), Lord (Lv.17), Princess (Lv.15)
Gift of Renewal Wyrm Gem x2, 45 MP 4 1 +19 Grimoire Revigoration San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F8) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision Grants 'Renewal' to a single target Warlock (Lv.18), Lord (Lv.20)
Nullify Strike Wyrm Gem x3, 50 MP 4 1 +20 Grimoire Insensibilite San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F4) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision Grants 'Nullify' to a single target Warlock (Lv.22), Divine Knight (Lv.20), Lord (Lv.22), Wicce (Lv.21)
Negate Spell Wyrm Gem x3, 50 MP 4 1 +20 Grimoire Immunite San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F5) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision Grants 'Negate' to a single target Warlock (Lv.24), Lich (Lv.22), Lord (Lv.24), Wicce (Lv.23)
Dodge Blades Wyrm Gem x1, 20 MP 4 1 +14 Grimoire Prestesse Palace of the Dead F24, 65 and 103 - Buy at the shop for 1200 Goth
Coritanae Keep (The Gates of Coritanae, Chapter 3C) - Dropped by Witch Gildora
Grants 'Dodge' to a single target Warlock (Lv.10), Divine Knight (Lv.11), Lord (Lv.12)
Ballistics Wyrm Gem x2, 20 MP 4 1 +14 Grimoire Oeildaigle Palace of the Dead F24, 65 and 103 - Buy at the shop for 1400 Goth
Coritanae Keep (The Gates of Coritanae, Chapter 3N) - Dropped by Witch Gildora
Coritanae Keep (Coritanae Ward, Chapter 3C) - Dropped by a Warlock
Coritanae Keep (The Gates of Coritanae, Chapter 3C) - Dropped by a Lv. 29+ Witch
The Reisan Way (Chapter 3L) - Dropped by a Warlock
The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime (Chapter 3L) - Dropped by a Lv. 29+ Warlock
Hanging Gardens (Songs of Raven Hair, Chapter 4) - Dropped by a Lv. 33+ Warlock Templar
Grants 'Trueflight' to a single target Warlock (Lv.12), Divine Knight (Lv.13), Lord (Lv.14)
Enlighten Wyrm Gem x2, 20 MP 4 1 +14 Grimoire Vifesprit Palace of the Dead F24, 65 and 103 - Buy at the shop for 1500 Goth
Mount Weobry (Chapter 3N) - Dropped by a Lv. 29+ Warlock
Phidoch Castle (Phidoch West Curtain Wall, Chapter 3N) - Dropped by a Lv. 30+ Warlock
The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime (Chapter 3C) - Dropped by a Lv. 30+ Warlock
Phidoch Castle (Phidoch South Curtain Wall, Chapter 3C) - Dropped by a Lv. 30+ Warlock
Almorica Castle (Almorica Passageway, Chapter 3L) - Dropped by a Lv. 29+ Warlock
The Royal City of Heim (Heim South Curtain Wall, Chapter 4) - Dropped by a Lv. 33+ Witch
Grants 'Spellcraft' to a single target Warlock (Lv.14), Divine Knight (Lv.15), Lord (Lv.15), Princess (Lv.13)
Phantom Shell Wyrm Gem x2, 20 MP 4 4 +14 Grimoire Antimagie Palace of the Dead F24, 65 and 103 - Buy at the shop for 1400 Goth
Brigantys Castle (Brigantys South Curtain Wall, Chapter 3C) - Dropped by a Witch
Grants 'Resilient' to a single target Warlock (Lv.13), Lich (Lv.11), Divine Knight (Lv.14), Lord (Lv.13), Princess (Lv.12)
Holy Shield Wyrm Gem x2, 50 MP 1 1 +20 Grimoire Sanctuaire Palace of the Dead F5 - Dropped by a Lv. 35+ summoned Witch
San Bronsa Ruins (Tower of Law Eternal F12) - Dropped by Ethereal Vision
Palace of the Dead F44 - Dropped by a Lamia Witch
Palace of the Dead F48 - Dropped by a Ghost Warlock
Grants 'Sanctified' to a single unit Warlock (Lv.21), Divine Knight (Lv.18), Lord (Lv.20), Princess (Lv.22)
Sacrifice Wyrm Gem x3, 200 MP 1 1 +50 Grimoire Dondevie Pirate's Graveyard (Ripples of Grief) - Dropped by a Lv. 33+ Warlock
San Bronsa Ruins (Floating Ruins F7) - Dropped by an Eternal Vision
Revives a single 'Incapacitated' unit with 100% HP at the cost of the caster being incapacitated instead Warlock (Lv.28), Divine Knight (Lv.25), Lord (Lv.27)
Spell Flavor Text
Tempest/Tempest II Howl heaven, call the wyrm-cry--blast wind and fury!
Gaia Strike/Gaia Strike II Spirit of land, roiling rage--warp and rend!
Vortex/Vortex II Lord of lightning, stream like stars--lend your judging light!
Deluge/Deluge II Lord of scales, shake the seas--banish the impure!
Annihilation/Annihilation II Scorching flame, from cliffs of chaos--to you!
Iceover/Iceover II Icewyrm in frozen land, with glass-like glare--your scorn upon them all!
Starfall/Starfall II Stars that wheel, gather beneath--purify this sullied land!
Diablo's Spite/Diablo's Spite II Diablo Wyrm-King, black burning rage--scorch the land!
Detect Ancient wisdom of wyrm-kings--find the unseen snares!
Springboard Breath of earth-spirits, gather here--let me pass!
Teleport O great Zephyr, dance unseen--fly across heaven's veil!
Gift of Restoration Great Earth-Mother, grant your succor--reach out with merc'ful hand!
Gift of Renewal Goddess breath, the grass to grow--spring forth, life!
Nullify Strike Driver of destiny, your blessing give--ward blades!
Negate Spell Magebane, the secret skill--may no spell reach its mark!
Dodge Blades Drake-wings wheeling, cut through sky--as blades cut air alone!
Ballistics Fletchings cut the straightest path--fly true!
Enlighten Ancient wisdom, lend to me--give spells surfeit of strength!
Phantom Shell Dark shadow, let rest your ruler--ward of darkness!
Holy Shield Carve rood in rock, the impure deny--pour your light!
Sacrifice Wyrm-kings from darkened tomb, my life I offer--reclaim this soul!

External Links[]
