Denam's Order is the player's army in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. A battalion of soldiers led by Denam Morne, the Hero of Golyat, and originally an offshoot of the Walister Resistance; as their leader's allegiances may change, so does theirs.
The player is given the option of naming this order; the name will be displayed as "Order of _____" where the blank is the name taken. By default the order will use the name of whatever month is chosen as Denam's birthdate.
Bear in mind that some character's motivation may clash with yours, and thus some can only be recruited during specific paths. Be also mindful of the Loyalty score, as a sufficiently displeased unit may permanently leave your army.
Some characters previously available in the SNES/PS version have been excluded from the PSP version. In the same vein, some previously unrecruitable characters and some new ones have been added to the PSP version.
1: PSX version only.
2: PSP version only.
3: PSP version only. Can only be recruited during the Coda upon completion of the game.
4: Only recruited if Presance does not survive the battle at Krysaro.