Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Sprite(s) Darza's portrait in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Darza's sprite in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)
Gender Male
Race Human
Nationality Galgastani
Class Berserker
Faction(s) Pirates crest Pirates
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Element Air Wind

Darza, is a non-playable character in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

He is fought in Chapter 2 regardless of route, and both times with an NPC character who can be recruited, provided they survive. In the Chaotic Route, Bayin, in the Lawful Route, Xapan.

Warren Report[]

The Pirate Darza

A Galgastani who led a band of pirates who plagued the Obero Sea. He was born in one of the poorer quarters of Port Asyton, and spent his youth serving at the local tavern. There he become acquainted with the notorious pirate Lontera, and later joined his crew. When Lontera was executed by the Valerian army, Darza took the helm in his stead.

His wife Veldrei was born to nobility, but became pirate after Darza raided the vessel on which she had taken passage near Boed Fortress. Veldrei stayed ashore to watch over their den at Ndamsa Fortress after learning she carried Darza's child.

Chaotic Route[]

Darza attacked members of the Liberation Front at Qadriga Fortress, commandeering their ship and cargo. However, before he could escape he was killed by Sir Folcurt and Denam, who had arrived to free the hostages.

Lawful Route[]

He met Resistance forces while en route to Qadriga Fortress in pursuit of Xapan, and was killed by Denam.


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Dasa
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Darza