Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Cerya Phoraena
LUCT PSP Cerya Profile
Sprite(s) Selye's portrait in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Selye's sprite in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Cerya's portrait in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Cerya's sprite in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)
Gender Female
Age 26
Race Human
Nationality Bakram
Class Valkyrie
Faction(s) VLF crest Valerian Liberation Front
Pirates crest Pirates
DO crest Denam's Order
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Element Fire Fire
Voice Actor Run Sasaki (SAT)

Cerya Phoraena (known as Selye Foriner in the SNES/PS version) is a playable character in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

She's one of the four daughters of Archiereus Mreuva Phoraena, and older sister of Sherri, Cistina and Olivya.

Formerly a sybil of the Order of Philaha, she lost her faith in her religion and her people, and went off to found the Valerian Liberation Front alongside her sister Cistina, with the intent of ending the war through revolutionary means. She's quickly taken out of the story in the Lawful Route, but plays a much larger role in the Chaotic and Neutral Routes.

Warren Report[]

If recruited[]

The Warrior Cerya

Cerya Phoraena. Age 26.

A Bakram who formerly led the Liberation Front.

She once spread the teachings of the Order of Philaha, worshippers of the Great Father, but left after losing faith in religion. She went on to form the Liberation Front, aiming to end the war by revolutionary means.

She freed Abuna Prancet from his imprisonment in Heim, and spirited him to Boed Fortress. Though several comrades were killed at the hands of Dark Knights sent to wipe out partisan forces, Cerya was saved by Denam.

She then joined the Order of Valeria, seeing in Denam a kindred spirit.

Neutral Route[]

If Killed at Boed Fortress

However, she was killed at the hands of Dark Knights sent to wipe out partisan forces.

If Saved at Boed Fortress and Before Recruitment

She was asked to join the Resistance, but did not feel their paths ran the same course. Since then she has not been heard from.


As founder and leader of the Valerian Liberation Front, Cerya is idealistic, strategic, and proactive, with the charisma to inspire followers. Since leaving the Order, her worldview has become more jaded, and she's willing to scheme underhanded and bloody tactics for her goals. Her heavy-handedness eventually costs the trust of several followers, including her sister Cistina.

Nevertheless, she is a strong woman, as shown by her defiant attitude when captured by the Dark Knights.


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)[]

Exclusive to the Neutral and Chaotic routes

In Chapter 3C, defeat Oz Moh Glacius at Boed Fortress and Cerya will join automatically after the battle is over.

Chapter 3N is a bit trickier. Cerya will join the battle against Oz as a Guest, surrounded by enemies and inflicted with Leadened status; the player must keep her alive during this battle. At the end she will leave without joining.

In Chapter 4N, after rescuing Archiereus Mreuva and opening the way to Barnicia Castle, move to Krysaro and read the Warren Report Talk entry "Pirates of Qadriga Fortress" to unlock a special event. Go there for a battle with Captain Ehlrig, where he will pose a question. Answer "Will you aid us?" and the battle will immediately end. You will then be able to recruit both Cerya and Ehlrig in the next scene.




  • If Cistina is killed at Rhime in Chapter 1, she will utter Cerya's name, which will sound familiar to Denam. This is a hint to Olivya's reveal during Chapter 4.

Battle Banter[]

If Bayin was deployed at Boed Fortress Chapter III Neutral.

If fell in Chapter III Neutral as a guest:

  • Cerya: "Your father, Denam. He...lives."
  • Denam:"My father...? What? How!?"
  • Cerya:"You must... rescue him from the Dark Knights. Your father knows... he knows."
  • Cistina:"Cerya!"


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Selye Foriner
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Cerya Phoraena