Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
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Race Undead
Nationality Unknown
Class Lich (SNES/PSX)
Blackmoor (PSP)
Faction(s) Unknown
Alignment Chaotic Chaotic
Element Fire Fire

Blackmoor, is a non-playable character in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. He appears on Floor 100 of the Palace of the Dead if Nybeth is dead in the current timeline and the player has all four of the Wind God Weapons in their inventory. During the CODA quest to rescue Warren, the player can do both battles in one visit by first triggering a cutscene on Floor 88 and then defeating Blackmoor on Floor 100, before going to 98F.

Blackmoor is described as the guardian of the Temple of Ashmedai. His origins are mysterious, it is not known if he was once a human or not.

Defeating Blackmoor nets the title "The Just".


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Blacmore
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Blackmoor