Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Belmorose Highwilds
"A high plain, dotted with sparse patches of grass. The unusual abundance of fauna is likely due to the lack of settlements here."
— Description

Belmorose Highwilds, are a location in Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together. It is one of the locations visited en route to the Palace of the Dead from Chapter 4 onwards.

Originally, these barren plains were the setting for the confrontation (and possible recruitment) of Ocionne and her four dragons. In the remake, Denam's Order encounters the sibyl Jilessa, a Bakram underling of Falfaday Geb Lesmoaria.


Chapter 4[]

Belmorose Highwilds
Leader None
Faction Unknown
Requirements Read "Freak Explosion" talk topic.
Do not deploy Jeunan.
Version SNES/PSX
Belmorose Highwilds
Leader LuCT PSP Ocionne Portrait Ocionne Rabine
Class Dragon Tamer
Faction Unknown
Requirements Deploy Jeunan.
Notes Ocionne will be recruited at low health, along with ClearSky, Cloud, Shadow, and Typhoon, pending their survival.
Version SNES/PSX
Belmorose Highwilds
Leader Jilessa PSP portrait Jilessa
Class Cleric
Faction BVK crest Bakram-Valerian Kingdom
Requirements Read "Explosion on Exeter" talk topic.
Version PSP


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Brumor Plateau
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Belmorose Highwilds