Ogre Battle Saga Wiki

The Bakram are an ethnic group featured in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. They are one of the major clans that make up the population of the Valerian Isles.

During Valeria's period of unification, the Bakram comprised much of the ruling class and aristocracy. They populate the northern span of the Isles, including the Valerian royal capital of Heim.

In the succession crisis following the sudden disappearance of King Dorgalua, Brantyn Morne established the Bakram-Valerian Kingdom. Though fewer in number than the Galgastani clan, they compensate for their military deficit by pledging allegiance to the powerful Holy Lodissian Empire. They also benefit from strong ties to the Order of Philaha, Valeria's largest religious order.

Support for Brantyn's regime amongst the Bakram is mixed, with several defecting to the revolutionary Valerian Liberation Front. After the fall of Heim, many loyalists to Brantyn formed a guerilla group called the Tigers of Burnham.

Notable Bakram[]

Historical Bakram Figures[]
