Ogre Battle Saga Wiki
Bahanna Highlands
"Jineh trees grow on the gentle slopes of these snow-covered plains."
— Description

Bahanna Highlands, is a location in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Depending on route, it's an important location for recruiting Ravness or Hobyrim.


Chapter 3: Lawful[]

Bahanna Highlands
Leader Genzo PSP portrait Roberval
Class Ninja
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Version SNES/PSX
Bahanna Highlands
Leader Genzo PSP portrait Roberval
Class Ninja
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Notes A conversation between Roberval, Jeunan, and Denam must be completed to recruit Ravness Loxaerion later.
Version PSP

Bahanna Highlands
Leader None
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Guests Ravness Loxaerion
Requirements See Ravness Loxaerion/Recruitment
Notes Ravness will be recruited provided she survives the battle.
Version PSP

Chapter 3: Chaotic[]

Bahanna Highlands
Leader None
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Version SNES/PSX
Bahanna Highlands
Leader Bolis PSP portrait Hektor Didarro
Class Knight
Faction KoG crest Kingdom of Galgastan
Requirements None
Version PSP

Bahanna Highlands
Leader Modiliani portrait Modiliani
Class Sorcerer
Faction WR crest Walister Resistance
Guests Hobyrim V. Rahms
Requirements None
Notes Hobyrim must survive the battle to be recruited.
Version All

Chapter 4[]

Bahanna Highlands
Leader Uram PSP portrait Uram
Class Wizard
Faction Remnants crest Remnants
Requirements None
Version All


Game Name
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSX) Vahanna Plateau
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP) Bahanna Highlands